a logo of Sende

The story of Sende

Visiting grandpa’s to build wooden toys under a chestnut tree was always a memorable experience for me. Childhood friends became friends for life in the act of building things together.

In Sende, we have created a place of creation of your's future stories, almost as cozy as grandpa’s.

Only here, instead of building toys, we build social businesses, apps and robots. Actually some people build toys and games for living.

People come to Sende to create educational programs, draw illustrations and comics, make videos and animations, to write books and to create events.

Our visitors are becoming the change-makers of their communities and they find in Sende an ideal place to create, meet deadlines, and build new projects.

We brought forgotten houses in a small village with just 20 inhabitants back to life.

We converted abandoned barns into inspiring spaces and filled every corner with flowers and inspiration.

Here, in Sende, you can meet visitors from the whole world.

Social entrepreneurs, educators, digital nomads, designers and illustrators, architects, comic drawers, programmers, neighbours, data analysts, artisans, engineers, writers, musicians, actors, students, change-makers, lawyers (good hearted ones), nice people with big ideas…


Hello, we are María and Edo, traveling entrepreneurs and educators. After working with international teams across the planet, we decided to build Sende in 2013.

María Rodriguez Gradin

I am a social educator and artisan. I lead educational programs and seminars in Sende.

Before Sende, I was working as an organiser of youth camps for children and I worked in prison education in Argentina. Interested in crafts, colours and world cuisine .

In Sende, I’m in charge of onboarding, programs, and logistics.

Photo of Maria Rodriguez Gradin founder of Sende

Edo Sadikovic

I’m Edo. A social entrepreneur living in a daily contrast between Galician nature and the future of internet.

Interested in borders, maps and world conflicts.

Teaching about how we can use entrepreneurship to live in any village with internet connection.

In late 2011 Edo co-founded the first HUB in the Balkans, an innovative coworking space for high school students.

Back in 2012 we come up with idea to build a world house in a village, where we will host our friends while working on something creative. And Sende was born.

A Photo of Edo Sadikovic founder of Sende


November 2013 | The story of Sende begins with the works on the first stone house.

July 2014 | After six months of hard work during the day while thinking about what story to tell to the world about Sende, our project was born.

A year later, we started hosting people from different parts of the world.

Today | Sende have visited  more than 4000 persons from 60+ countries from all over the world.

We enjoyed company of many freelancers and digital nomads who came to get their work done as well as educators and artists who organized their own events here while enjoying the Spanish mountains.

Right now we are working on opening of Sende Portugal.